My second oldest grandson graduated from sixth grade. He is on to middle school, to be faced with lots of new experiences; drugs, bullies, girls, pimples, panic, and decisions. I think he will be fine..he is extroverted and smart, and I see good things ahead for him.
My cast is still with me, preventing me from driving. This could be a good thing, because I have a tremendous desire to go shopping. I should be getting calls from the stores I shop in, wondering where I've been. Howard says several of them have had to close their doors because I haven't been there. IT REALLY ISN'T THAT BAD.
There are things about department stores and good boutiques that feed my artistic personality. I love color, and good displays. Great advertising draws me in. I did advertising design when I was younger, and the lure of merchandise has never left me. I think it is in my DNA.
My 94 year old mother and I loved the stores when we were young. Shopping was our favorite pastime together. We especially liked a good sale. I still love them, but I hate the crowds, so by the time I get there, the merchandise is picked over and the good stuff is gone. My mother once had a physical "tug-of-war" with a woman over a sweater at a sale; she didn't really want the sweater, but she didn't want the woman to have it either. She bought the sweater and returned it. What does that say about my mother? I don't want to delve into that now.
She was younger here...93. Bye Now!
I hope your garndson thrives in his new school.
I liked the funny story about your mother.
Interesting to see who is inspired by what. I always think of higj street shops as the antithesis to artistic, creative thought, but how wrong one can be! It just shows it takes all sorts.
Foodie..I've tried to leave comments on your blog Singing Chicken two times, but they wouldn't go through. I just sent one to Bernard and it worked, so maybe it's on your end.
Anyway, I love the beautiful photo of the scrumptious spread of food and flowers. Note that the hat adds balance to the photo, and the yellow tarts pick up the color of the yellow flowers. One can find creativity and an artistic touch almost everywhere. Maybe not on High Street, but it's been a long time since I've been shopping in England!
What pretty ladies you are! I think that story shows a strong willed and determined person, who sticks to her principals. I wish I was as tough as your Mom! :D
Hi Myrna,
Thanks for your comment. Glad you got through eventually. When a post on my blog is a week old, comments do not appear straight away. They pop up after I have read them. On Foody's blog, no comments will appear until she has read them first. Maybe that is why you are not seeing them straight away.
Lovely picture of your Mom and you. I can tell you are her daughter. :)
94, tremendous. Worked for Woolworths when I was young, have never forgotten it!
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