Monday, July 5, 2010

Does This Belong In My Blog?

Today I was asked whether I planned to write about some of my life struggles in my blog.
I was stumped.  I don't want to discuss specific friends or family members, but how would I be authentic in my writing if I left all the meaty stuff out?  Another issue is whether it would be boring to others, while cathartic to me.  Who am I writing for, myself or others?
Both, I think.  I love getting comments to my posts, and I fear that my followers would "drop away."

THE VOTES ARE IN: What's private, stays private. Why did I even ponder this?


Kath said...

This is a tricky one and something I have pondered. In the end I decided that my private life is exactly that and that I would only share material that I would be prepared for complete strangers to read.
I think most of us are empathic and supportive to one another, but you must do what seems right for you Myrna.

Barracuda said...

Remember, Myrna, everything that goes on the internet stays on the internet. Treat it with respect. To me, it is not tricky at all. Don't say anything you might possibly regret. Your inner dialogue is your inner dialogue. It does not belong where anyone and everyone can fine it. This is not to say that we don't care what you feel. You can always pick up the phone. (How quaint!)

MYRNA said...

Thanks Kath. It seems that keeping private things off the net is the way to go. I have a lot of other things to blog about anyway. My dog and a neighbor's dog (both small)got into a little fight. Neither dog was hurt, but news of thie incident has the potential of spreading through our neighborhood. I may have a bit to say about dog attacks; nice subject, isn't it?

Bernard said...

I have come across many types of blogs during the last couple of years. There are many people who use them as a means of 'getting their problems off their chest', so to speak. To many it is a help and a form of therapy. It doesn't really matter if anyone reads it. Just writing it helps. They don't tend to have as many followers/ readers as those who write to entertain, inform, educate etc.
My advice to anyone, would be to have two blogs, but not linked.
One could be the 'inner-self' and the other could be the 'outer-self'.
But, beware, nothing is safe on the internet.

MYRNA said...

Hi Bernard..hope you had a nice vacation. Perhaps I will do a "blend.". A little "inner" and a little "outer.". Not too revealing, but exploring some of our common issues as humans. Who knows? I'll wait and see what comes up. Right now I seem to have writer's block; I don't know what to blog about at all!