Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Packing Stress

     I don't know why the preparation for packing, whether we will be gone for a few days or a few weeks, is so stressful for me.  I'm not talking about the actual act of putting things in the suitcase, I find that to be an enjoyable challenge.   I'm talking about what I'm going to take, whether the clothes need washing or cleaning, the button I have to sew on the jacket, ironing the orange linen shirt, packing the toiletries for myself (and the things Howard might need that he doesn't bother to pack).  Howard's theory is that he is not traveling into the Amazon.  There are stores all over and if he forgets something important he can always buy it.  My theory is, "why waste the time going to the drug store when I can have it all in my little bag?"
     What results is a few days, maybe a week, of pressure to get everything done amidst the ordinary vicissitudes of daily life, like doctor's appointments, hair cut, phone calls, emails, vet shots for Webber (he goes to a fancy pet hotel), and numerous other stuff.  Now YOU all travel.  Do you go through such stress?  Howard has threatened to cancel trips because I make him "crazy."  I do have a major problem; I am a perfectionist.  I have the fantasy that I I could just put a few things in a bag and go away on a moment's notice.  But I think I really could if pressed to do so; especially if we were going somewhere exciting.  I would just have to fight my nature to have everything "done" before I left.
     Right now I should be sewing the button on the jacket, but here I am writing in my blog.  Oh, well!


Kath said...

oh Myrna, I am one of lifes nomads, I just throw a few bits in a bag and hope for the best! I guess monthly trips to our caravan has taught me whats essential, the rest i don't bother with. But something tells me you are a well turned out lady who likes to look her best, therein lies the difference between us, I'm just an old hippy :)
Have a wonderful trip!

MYRNA said...

Kath..You're a hippy? Free soul? A flower child? How wonderful. I could use a little loosening up. When we go to our mountain retreat I hardly take anything...but somehow I think I need to feel "prepared for anything" when we go on a trip. We will have fun in spite of me. Enjoy your secret garden.

Kath said...

Well, a hippy second time around, as I was born in 57 so I couldnt take part, although I must have absorbed the atmosphere. My Aunts were in their teens and twenties during the 60s and I loved their clothes, the music and the "let it all hang out" sort of mindset. Mind you, my Welsh Grandpa was strict chapel, so he didnt allow much "hanging out" LOL

MYRNA said...

I graduated from high school in 1957, so I was ripe for folk music, bell bottoms, tie die, anti-war and all the rest. Problem was, I got married and had kids, so I was sort of on the sidelines. Anyway, I was too "good" of a girl to be a real hippie. It was a great era, even to experience through "absorption."