Sunday, November 14, 2010

Thoughts Before Surgery

Well, tomorrow is the day. I packed my tote bag, and am doing all the little things one does before leaving for a while; like washing clothes. Yesterday we marketed. Howard and I separated for the task,as we went to different markets and had different errands. If all goes well, I should only be in the hospital for a few days, but won't be getting around much for a few weeks.
I phoned the "kids" to let them know how important they are to me and how much I need their support. All in the hopes that they will check in often. I find I am nervous and a bit anxious. I don't like feeling vulnerable and needy, it goes against my "makeup." I am doing pretty well in not dwelling on the things that can go wrong. Every so often those thoughts creep in, but I have had this surgery before and came out fine.
So, I will write again while recovering, and hope to hear from you.


Kath said...

All the very best for your surgery Myrna, we'll be thinking of you.

MYRNA said...

Thanks Kath, I appreciate that. This morning in my crossword puzzle the clue was: Glastonbury Gas (petrol), and I thought of you in Glastonbury.

Bernard said...

I'm not very good with words at times like this.
I try to think what I would like people to say to me, if I was in their situation. It does no good, as I would hide myself away!
How will..."I hope it all goes well for you, and I raise my glass to your speedy recovery."
Cheers.....Bernard xx