I remember the poem- "Rain rain go away, come again some other day..." It's pouring outside; cold and windy, too. I like the rain. Things smell fresh, the sound of raindrops on the roof and windows is relaxing, and when it ends everything is clean and watered. But things go crazy in Los Angeles when it rains. We have huge mudslides in hillside areas that were burned by fire. Foolish people fall into the swollen LA river...usually just a concrete ravine. And, of course, the normally wacky drivers become wackier.
I don't know if being deluged by heavy rain is any better than being snowbound, with freezing cold outside. People who are snowbound may be forced to stay home by the fire and read, or even work from home by computer, And let's face it, snow covered landscapes make for beautiful photos and cards at this time of year.
Hello Myrna, your Blog is looking extremely pretty!
Yes you're right, being snowbound is very troublesome, as there are no post or parcel deliveries and we can;t get down our hill until it thaws.
never mind, it is prety to look at. I ventured down into town today and picked up some essentials that I could carry back up, so no wmilk or heavy items. Roll on the thaw! Hope you are continuing to recouperate well.
Wow, no mail? It really must be bad. Here, there is a Post Office Credo: "Neither rain nor snow nor gloom of night shall keep this carrier from his appointed rounds." So as far as I know, everyone gets their mail. Glad you could walk into town...at least it was a break for you. When is the "thaw" expected? I'm doing great; lots of PT, but less and less pain. Thanks for asking.
Both heavy rain and snow keep me and the cats inside. I'm lucky as I have loads of hobbies. A nice cosy music room and a not so cosy woorkshop. So it's music/computing (I arrange music on the PC) when it cold - and venture into the workshop when it's wet.
It is thawing here now, just wet and slushy.
All the best for the festive season, and I hope you enjoy the best of health in 2011.
Although we have had snow this year which is unusual for us here at the coast, it was around for only a few days then went on its merry way! But our local river which flows through the town is unbelievable at the moment. Take a look in my blog at the photographs if you have a moment. Last year it was frozen over but nothing like this year, oh boy it is spectacular. I am pleased to hear you are on the mend.
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