Saturday, January 21, 2012

What's New???

     My blogger background is kaput!  I have been experimenting with others, but am now in limbo.  However, I am enjoying the "playtime."
     My 96 year old mother is declining in health.  That is to put it mildly.  We have her in Hospice Care at her home.  It has been exhausting getting it all set up for her, especially since she still is full of opinions and doesn't want her home to look like a hospital.  Thus, she doesn't want to use the equipment provided for her comfort.  But it is her choice, and she is entitled to have her wishes followed through.
     I am staying home today to do the things I have been ignoring; laundry, finances, marketing, etc.  I don't even feel like doing anything.  I just want to "be."  Does that make sense?


Kath said...

Hello Myrna, 2 of your posts just popped up together!
Sounds like you had a great thanksgiving, I can tell how important family is to you and I'm happy that you enjoyed the special family time. I always think it's a shame we don't have thanksgiving in England. Maybe I should start it in our family!

I was sad to read about your Moms declining health. She sounds like a strong minded independent lady and she is lucky to have you at her side.
Be sure to get your rest and find a little "me" time, caring can be very draining no matter how much we love our family members.
Sending you an English HUG, Kath

MYRNA said...

Thank you so much Kath. I needed that hug! It is very hard to carve out that time for myself; but I agree, it's important.
About Thanksgiving, don't you think the English should give thanks that we Americans are no longer their problem? What a mess we are in over here.
Luv, Myrna