Thursday, November 25, 2010

Give Thanks

Happy Thanksgiving.  In these times of national and personal stress, we can still take the time to give thanks for all our blessings.  I am grateful for all of the support I have received from Howard, my family, friends, "e-friends," doctors, and others who have given me strength to get through the past couple of years of orthopedic calamities.  I see the light at the end of the tunnel and I believe I would not have made it in such a good mental state if it had not been for you all.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Ahh, Royalty

     So Prince William and Kate Middleton are finally tying the knot.  The US media can't get enough of it.  We are so fickle.  We flit from Lindsay Lohan, to Mel Gibson, to Paris Hilton.  Finally we have two "genuine articles" to hear about daily from now on.  Their wedding plans, the wedding itself, the gown, the party, how much it cost, who paid for it, etc., etc.  Actually I love it.  The man who will be King (but when?) and his gorgeous commoner fiance.  What a story.  It's a real fairy tale.  But so were Princess Diana and Prince Charles.  Fairy tales often have sad endings, but this one sounds promising.  I will be hanging on every word, and watching all the goings-on.
     What about you in GB?  What's the story there?  Did she live anywhere near you? Is that all you hear and see on television?  Or are the Brits actually broadcasting news?  We seem to have abandoned news in favor of sensationalism.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Update Again

I am doing very well. Got up and walked with a walker and physical therapist for a little ways. Tomorrow will be more challenging. But if we keep the pain down,as it is now, I will do OK. Here is hoping I can sleep the way, I have very good nursing so far.
Love, Myrna

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Thoughts Before Surgery

Well, tomorrow is the day. I packed my tote bag, and am doing all the little things one does before leaving for a while; like washing clothes. Yesterday we marketed. Howard and I separated for the task,as we went to different markets and had different errands. If all goes well, I should only be in the hospital for a few days, but won't be getting around much for a few weeks.
I phoned the "kids" to let them know how important they are to me and how much I need their support. All in the hopes that they will check in often. I find I am nervous and a bit anxious. I don't like feeling vulnerable and needy, it goes against my "makeup." I am doing pretty well in not dwelling on the things that can go wrong. Every so often those thoughts creep in, but I have had this surgery before and came out fine.
So, I will write again while recovering, and hope to hear from you.

Friday, November 5, 2010


It is 10 days before my knee replacement. I haven't written a post because I have been incredibly busy. Lots of different doctors to see, lunch with several friends, and lots of pre- planning.. My mood is "up" and I am looking forward to a successful outcome. I will write more as time goes on.