Monday, August 22, 2011

House Becoming a Home

Workers Assembling the Table

All Put Together
From the Family Room with the New Sofa
So things are shaping up.  We now have a place to sit and relax, and a place to eat.  Now we need to have our carpets installed and have our bed brought in.  We are sleeping on a mattress on the floor.  Many things will be done by the first week in Sept.  Once the carpets are in, the office furniture can be delivered.  Then the breakfast room table and chairs will be delivered as well as our bed.    I bought a beautiful architect's table (sort of a drafting table), made out of wood, so that I can have a nice place to draw and paint in the guest room.  The yard is 1/2 finished; the plants are planted, the little mounds and riverbed are done, although the riverbed doesn't have the rocks in it yet.  The waterfall will be started this week, and they still have a lot to do back there.  We hope it will be wonderful.  I didn't take pictures of the yard because so far it doesn't look like much in the camera lens.  The landscaper is taking pictures of it all along the way and will email them to me....then I can select what to print and/or send.  This is all quite an adventure!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Where Have I Been?

     No, I didn't fall off the face of the earth.  I have been to our vacation house every week at most, meeting with electricians, plumbers, landscapers, carpet company, furniture sales and delivery people, and others; all necessary to put the house in shape for us so we can finally call it a home.  I'm going down tomorrow with plans to take photos of the new, drought resistant yard.  It's not finished yet, but I'm interested in the progress.  They will be delivering our dining room furniture...yea!  We have been eating off the kitchen counter.
     As promised, I'll tell you about the 50th high school reunion.  It was at a real, working horse ranch.  We drove almost 2 hours to get there  but it was a great piece of property.  The alumnus who owns it was an orthopedic surgeon before he retired to ranching.  How does one get from one to the other?  The food was catered BBQ, with pork ribs, chicken, chili, salad, and plenty of margaritas.  The only problem with the reunion was that everyone looked SO OLD!!!!!