Friday, July 30, 2010

Going's On

Well, the gardener just arrived to do some planting, and the dog is going crazy. I don't get it, since he sees the gardener once a month, and has known him for 3 years. He just likes to protect the house and its precious inhabitants. For my blogger friends in the United Kingdom, who have gorgeous gardens that you care for yourselves, I must admit that everything I have ever planted has died. Howard loves to putter out there and except for monthly trimming of vines and tree,and a little planting by the gardener, he keeps it looking colorful and restful. I love it.
So, except for dinner tonight to celebrate grandson Eli's birthday, I look forward to a visit this weekend to The Apple Store to have them untangle the mess on my computer, iPhone and iPad that occurred as a result of faulty syncing. I probably should go back to my paper agenda!!!!!!


Kath said...

My dogs are like that, they don't like even people they know, invading their domain. Roobarb will bark more as they retreat, as if to say "And don't come back!".

MYRNA said...

Hi Kath, Yes, he is out there now barking at the UPS truck. I love the name Roobarb, by the way. Webber came to us after being raised from puppyhood by another family for five years. We've had him three years, and he is constantly surprising us with one bad habit after another. I really blame us; we are terrible disciplinarians.....I don't know how our children turned out so well!