Saturday, July 17, 2010

Hot July Day

So, it's the middle of July, and summer is finally here. We are in Lake Arrowhead where the temp is expected to reach the 90s. We came to visit our vacation home, which has been somewhat unused since I broke my leg. It is such a lovely environment and I am reminded each time we come here how much I love it. I had a dream that we decided to retire up here, sold this charming house, and bought a more spacious, air conditioned home near the lake. If there was some thing to do up here that interested me, it would be a good idea. Actually, it's a well operating "small town" where everyone knows each other. We've been here as weekenders for 17 years, and know quite a lot of folks. There are groups for most interests, two supermarkets, drug store, bank,library, four screen (small) movie theater, restaurants, etc. But I'm a city girl, and like to have many choices. Maybe we could live here and have a little condo by the beach In Los Angeles. Wow i'm really a wishful thinker.

1 comment:

Kath said...

Sounds idyllic Myrna! I think being weekenders lets you make friends and get to know the area before you commit. I doubt we would make the move without doing that for 6 years. I hope your dreams come true.