Sunday, May 2, 2010


     This is ridiculous! I've been in search for the "perfect" blog layout; one that reflects my personality, preferences, talents, and so forth.  There "'ain't" no such thing.  I spent a good chunk of my time yesterday changing templates, colors, fonts, and formats, and nothing was good enough.  Finally, I settled on one.  I don't know how long it will last, because I love to change them around.  But at least this one looks like me.  I'll let you figure that one out!  Really, I think that what one puts into a blog is more important than the way it looks.....a good metaphor for building one's character as well.


Bernard said...

I like this layout very much.
Your best yet, although I did approve of the 'Red wine glass'. Would have suited me. :)
Are you back on both feet yet?
I keep thinking how much I need BOTH.

Bernard said...

Sorry, I loved the other one best.

Well, it is your blog after all and you should choose. Be yourself and do what you fell happy with.
Glad to hear that you will soon be rid of that cast. Three weeks! How do you manage?