Saturday, July 28, 2012

We've Been Busy

   I haven't written for a long time.  Since my mother died in January, we have been busy dealing with her estate, such as it is.  We sold her house, and it is now in escrow.  Thus, we have been sorting her belongings, asking my children (her only grandchildren) if there is anything they want by which to remember their grandmother.  They took a few things, and that left my sister and I to work on her clothes; which to toss and which to give to charity.  We had a charity pick up all her furniture, and as of today, the house is ready for the new owners.  It was a lot of physical work, mixed with emotional memories.  But it's done, and hopefully, I can move on.
   My husband and I took a week off to go to Santa Fe, New Mexico.  It is a wonderful, spiritual, historic and charming place.  It is a mecca for artists, with tons of galleries and artist's studios, as well as a mecca for good restaurants.  So, we ate and bought art work.
It was lots of fun.

1 comment:

Kath said...

It must have a been a tough time for you Myrna, tiring physically and emotionally. I'm pleased everyone had a keep-sake, that was really important to me after my Nan died.
Santa Fe, sounds wonderful, I would love it' I'm sure. I happy that you had a chance to relax with your sweetie.