Wednesday, March 31, 2010


     I want to buy an iPad.  I don't need an iPad.  In fact, I recently bought a netbook, which is terrible; it crashes all the time, it really was a mistake.  My son told me to wait for the iPad, that the netbooks were toys compared to it.  But I didn't listen.  I'm so impulsive/compulsive that the iPad continually pops up in my mind. I watch demos, and really think it is the machine for me.  But I can't do it.  It seems morally decadent.  How many computers, kindles, etc. does one person need?  I'm not even working.  I will wait until it has been out for a year, and then I will consider it.  Oh, I hope I can wait.


Bernard said...

Hi Myrna,
I was just this very minute reading this bit about ipods or ipads and thinking 'I don't know anything about either': What can I say. Then,
I went back to my page and up your comment popped liking my clocks.
Those clocks there are not my favourites, the best are all hidden away. But nice of you to say so.
Before I forget, how is that leg of yours getting on?
There seems to be a lot of sore people about at the moment.
Kath (Railway Cottage) has a sore shoulder. Foody fell off her pony.
Whatever next.
Hope you're on the mend.
Regards. B.

MYRNA said...

Well, all of these new electronics are exciting. However, they duplicate each other. An iPhone is a palm-sized computer with a phone. I can surf the web, play games such as scrabble, play music, take photos and download them to the computer, check my address book, etc. The iPod does those things without a phone. The iPad, which comes out Saturday, is a "tablet" computer, very light and thin, with a touch screen, does umpteen things, and also is a reader, like a kindle.
Thanks for asking about my leg. It's healing. I have 7 more weeks off the foot, but I am doing things to keep busy. Today I am going to play with my watercolors.
Sorry about your blogger friends and their injuries. Falling off a pony can be serious, was Foody hurt?
Nice to hear from you, take care.

Foody said...

Hey! Nice of you to join my followers! Welcome to Singing Chicken.

I think the ipad will be much cheaper in a year or so, if you can restrain yourself that long.

have just seen metion of your leg in Uncle B's comment. I haven't read about the leg yet but I hope it's getting better anyway.